Housing Programs

Crown Program
Holy Name Housing Corporation (HNHC) has constructed over 200+ single family homes for families willing to participate in a homeownership program.
The Crown Program consist of three, four and five bedroom home with full basements and garages. These are scatted sits located predominately in Northeast Omaha.
The Crown Program offers an affordable rental home, a homeownership incentive account(portion of rent is set aside monely for down paymnet asssistance if a home is purchased) and basic life skills and financial edication.
The Crown Program requires tenants to attend educational workshops annually learning how to craete a budget, financally prepare for 'life happens moments', learn maintenance to prepapre for owning a home and learning about asset building strategies.
The ultimate goal for this program is to prepare teants in becoming homeowners!
Eligibility for Crown
Your income does not exceed 60% of median income for the City of Omaha.
You have a minimum household income of 3X Monthly Rent.
Acceptable credit, landlord and background checks.
You desire to be a home owner and the willingness to attend mandatory workshops on maintenance and homeownership.
You need time to save for the cash requirements of purchasing a home.
You want to contribute to neighborhoods, so they are a good place to live.
Benefits of Crown Program
Opportunity to rent newer homes at an affordable cost of approximately $625 to $925 a month.
Opportunity to save for home ownership. A portion of monthly rent is placed in a homeownership assistance fund that will assist in purchasing a home.
Opportunity to receive education essential to sustaining home ownership such as: budgeting, credit, home maintenance, and addressing neighborhood issues.

Affordable Senior Housing
​ HNHC idenfied the need for senior housing in the area we saved as the populations are aging and many households ar unable to live and care for their homes.
HNHC has built and currently manages 99 senior housing untis: cottage style, two and three bedroom units and a 37 unit apartment building.
Our senior housing tenants are provided supoort services as needed.
Eligibility for Affordable Senior Housing
Your income does not exceed 60% of median income for the City of Omaha.
You have a minimum household income of $16,094.
Acceptable credit, landlord and background checks.

Shared Equity Program
SEP is a program in which Holy Name Housing Corporation (HNHC) and the tenants share in the equity of the property to fulfill tenant's goal of hme ownership. The description is as follows:
The intial cost of the home ("Equity") is paid for by HNHC tghrough various funding sources (including NAHTF). The tenant will enter into a rental lease agreement with HNHC for ten years that uncludes mandatory homeownership traning requirments.
At the end of the ten -year lease period, provided the lease has not been terminated and the tenant is not in default under any of the terms or conditions of the lease, the tenants will have the option to purchase the home, the tenant will "share" equally in the initial cost of the home (equity).
HNCH pays upfront to buikld the home and the tenant will pay their portion of the equity by obtaining a mortage. The sales price to the tenant will be equal to the remaing debt on the home. The amount will be less than half of the original equity.
The plan is for the tenant to be prepared to obtain a mortgage after the tenth year by working with support services on budgeting, credit and other homeownership traning training throughout their tenancy.
During the lease period,the tenant will be required to maintain the home and it is their own, maintaining the equity of even increasing the equity over time. Any unsed placement reserves held by HNHC at the end of the ten years will be used by the tenant to cover down payment assistqance for the home. HNHC will aslo direct the tenant to other sources of down payment assistance in the community.
Eligibility Requirements
Your income does not exceed 120% of median income for the City of Omaha.
You have a minimum household income of $50,000.
Acceptable credit, landlord and background checks.
You desire to be a home owner and the willingness to attend workshops on maintenance and homeownership.
You need time to save for the cash requirements of purchasing a home.
You want to contribute to neighborhoods, so they are a good place to live.
Partners & Supporters

For any inquiries, questions or commendations, please call: 402-453-6100 or fill out the following form.
Contact Us
Head Office

The mission of Holy Name Housing is to provide quality affordable housing options and homeownership education in Omaha and surrounding communities. To strengthen neighborhoods and empower individuals and families to be informed responsible residents. To respect all residents’ rights to quality affordable housing in a safe and healthy community.
Year Established
New Construction Units Built
Units Rehabbed
Homeowners Made