Fair Housing Resources
Holy Name Housing is committed to supporting the Fair Housing Act in all its professional
relationships in our community.
FAIR HOUSING ACT OF 1988 (Amending the Fair Housing Provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1968)
This Act, originally passed in 1968 within one week of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King,
and amended in 1974 and again in 1988, includes protection against discrimination based on race,
color, religion, national origin, sex, familial status (one or more persons under-the age of 18 living
with a parent, legal guardian or the designee of a parent or legal guardian) and handicap status.
The Act prohibits discrimination in most housing related transactions, including transactions
related to the financing of residential property. The Act has been broadly interpreted by the Courts
to prohibit virtual all forms of differences in treatment based on any of the protected
characteristics, and has been interpreted to apply to differences in the impact of ‘otherwise neutral
policies and practices’. Persons with complaints of unlawful discrimination may either seek redress
through an administrative process of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
(HUD) and/or through direct action in Federal Court. The U.S. Department of Justice has authority
to initiate a civil action on behalf of aggrieved persons who have been referred by HUD or it may
bring an action on behalf of the United States where it has reasonable cause to believe that a
person or group of persons are engaged· in a pattern and practice of unlawful discrimination.
Injunctive relief, attorney fees, civil penalties, compensatory and punitive damages are available
under this Act.
If you have experienced housing discrimination. Call 1-877-NOW-FAIR.
Legal Aid of Nebraska